The BT-1F is a remote wall-mounting input module for use with Cloud products fitted with an RJ45 Facility Port. The BT-1F enables compatible portable devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones to stream audio wirelessly to the interface, and thereinto the audio system of the Zone where the interface is installed.
The BT-1F is exceptionally simple to install; the rear RJ45 connector is wired to one of the host unit’s Facility Ports with a single screened Cat 5 cable using standard shielded RJ45 connectors at each end. The Cat 5 cable carries DC power as well as balanced audio.
The BT-1F will route a mono sum (L+R) of the streamed audio to the host unit and is compatible with the following Cloud products which are fitted with RJ45 Facility Ports;
Any product not equiped with a Facility Port connector can use an FPA-1 adaptor per Zone.
Manuals | BT-1_Manual_EN_v1.0.pdf | Open |
Datasheet | BT-1_Datasheet_EN_v1.3.pdf | Open |
Downloads | Bluetooth Licence Certificate_31JAN2018.pdf | Open |
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